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Reputational Investigative Analysis

Reputational Investigative Analysis

Assesses if reputational damage through our method of investigation

The factors that create a competitive advantage of a company are experience and reputation . It is also crucial to social success and relationship of a person .

Our investigative agency through a methodical and meticulous work can assess whether there is , or there was a reputational injury of the subject of interest , company or natural person who is .

Without prejudice to the criminal protection provided for in Article 595 C.P. in cases of defamation , injury to another’s reputation can also be censored only former civil proceedings art . 2043 of the Civil Code , and this irrespective of whether the offense is considered a crime .

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Categorie Investigative

TEL H24 : ROMA : +39 0639738131 MILANO : +39 0280897079 TORINO : +39 0110252907 LONDON : +44(0)7435131959 TEL H24 : ROMA : +39 0639738131 MILANO : +39 0280897079 TORINO : +39 0110252907 LONDON : +44(0)7435131959 TEL H24 : ROMA : +39 0639738131 MILANO : +39 0280897079 TORINO : +39 0110252907 LONDON : +44(0)7435131959 TEL H24 : ROMA : +39 0639738131 MILANO : +39 0280897079 TORINO : +39 0110252907 LONDON : +44(0)7435131959